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•Now you will continue your examination of Pre-Columbian Government by looking into the Maya. Before reading in more depth about Maya Government, you should consider the introductory information you already learned about Maya Civilization. If you want to look back to this information, just click on the button below and the Introductory web page from earlier will be reopened in another window. If you already have a window like that open, then you can feel free to just switch over to it.




•Once you feel comfortable with the basics of Maya History,

write a brief summary of what you know.

Don’t worry about your specific topic

yet but consider carefully what

background information is most relevant

in regards to this civilization. In other

words present the information that you

think is most likely to influence how Mayan 

communities were governed. This summary

should be between two and three sentences.*






* Remember you can always write more if you want, that’s just a recommended minimum.

Sculptural representation of a Mayan King of Copan from the Classical Period

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